This was constituted as a documentary, involving research providing insight into the unequal legal rights of homosexual couples in comparison to heterosexual ones. In Slovenia, as in many other countries, homosexual couples do not have the right to get married, to adopt a child or the right to artificial insemination. The project clearly shows the attitude of the state and the public towards differences. By publicly displaying lesbian couples, I tried to capture the reactions of people within the field of the fixed moral norms which we, as a society, are caught up in. Part of the project was executed as a performance in the centre of Ljubljana in the autumn of 2000. It was transmitted directly to "Kapelica" Gallery and the regional TV station. What my research has shown thus far was that people do not express what they actually think, because the results of a questionnaire recently carried out did not correspond to the outcome of my findings. Seventy percent of homosexual couples tend to feel threatened in their workplaces and everyday activities, which is the complete opposite of the statements of heterosexual people regarding their tolerance and openness.