Wednesday, 12 March 2008


This is a mixture of different artistic practices. It creates a unique atmosphere of moving (performance), watching (video) and listening (music). The performance basis is a female body and emotions shown through performer’s movements and small moving cameras which hang on the performer’s body. The connection between the performer and the musicians/video-jockey, the VJ, creates an "orchestra of electronic communication”. For several moments the audience is able to see the complete space with the help of the performer’s cameras as well as the VJ who deals with monitors and screening. The observer can not precisely describe when or where the picture is moving, or which part of the body is reflected: the final resolutions of the constantly moving pictures and the whole space are always on different screens. The music resembles our mechanically oriented society and its development. The musical pattern is compatible with the movements of the female-performer's body, and defines the position of woman as physical subject (object) in the society and system.